- Residence requirement
- 移民法中入籍要求
(1) Subject to this section, for the purposes of section 21 a person satisfies the residence requirement if:
(a) the person was present in Australia for the period of 4 years immediately before the day the person made the application;and申请前4年待在澳洲
(b) the person was not present in Australia as an unlawful non-citizen at any time during that 4 year period;and
(c) the person was present in Australia as a permanent resident for the period of 12 months immediately before the day the person made the application.
- Overseas absences
- 回国时间(1A) If:(a) the person was absent from Australia for a part of the period of 4 years immediately before the day the person made the application; and(b) the total period of the absence or absences was not more than 12 months;申请前4年离开澳洲的时间总计不能超过12个月(才符合待满澳洲4年的条件)
then, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), the person is taken to have been present in Australia during each period of absence.
(1B) If:
(a) the person was absent from Australia for a part of the period of 12 months immediately before the day the person made the application; and(b) the total period of the absence or absences was not more than 3 months; and在申请前的12个月里,总计离开澳洲的时间不能超过3个月(因为在(1)(c)中4年里总计离开澳洲时间不能超过12个月。假设你在申请前的12个月离开了澳洲X天(X<=90),那么在头3年里总计离开澳洲时间不能超过365-X天)
(c) the person was a permanent resident during each period of absence;
在申请前12个月里,申请人在离开澳洲期间,必须已经持有PR (这个其实和(1)(c)一样)
then, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the person is taken to have been present in Australia as a permanent resident during each period of absence.
在(1)(c)的定义中,符合以上条件的,则可以把申请人(在PR的12个月内)离开澳洲的时间也算做居住在澳洲。所以总结下来就是:从你申请的那天倒算起,要满足4个条件(假设你在申请前12个月里离开了澳洲X天)(1) 申请那天开始往回算起必须在澳洲连续呆过至少4年(待超过4年的只算这4年,更早的不算,比如2007年11月12号申请的算到2003年11月13号截止,如果你更早来澳洲的话,那么2003年11月13日前的不算在内)
(2) 申请前的一年里必须是持有PR的状态
- 假设1为例子,你在澳洲学习了3年,拿PR后回国1年, 那么你在澳洲还需要呆一年才能申请:
(1)符合,计算范围是你申请前一年+回国1年+澳洲学习两年=4年 (第一年学习不算在4年内)
(2a)符合,最后一年离境天数为0天/前3年允许的离境天数=365-0=365天 (如果同样情况你回国不到一年,那么还需要呆少于一年,具体情况算出的结果不同)
- 以假设2为例子,你在澳洲学习3年,拿PR后回国2年,那么你在这里还需要呆3年才能申请:
(1)符合,计算范围是你申请前3年+回国1年=4年 (澳洲学习3年,以及拿PR回国的第一年不算)