


来源:凌宇移民 发布日期:2016-03-24 浏览次数:1139次
  据统计, 美国移民局在2015年10月1日至12月31日期间: 
  件批准 I-526: 1257件 (批准率 77%)
  目前等待审理的 I-526:21,988 件
  中国大陆EB-5投资人等待排期时间被预计为大约 6年以上方可获得签证号码。
  In the first quarter of FY2016, USCIS adjudicated a total of 1,629 I-526 petitions, of which 1,257 petitions were approved, and 372 were denied. This represents a 36% decline of petitions adjudicated from Q4 of FY 2015. Meanwhile, the number of I-526 petitions pending reached an astounding 21,988 petitions, a jump of 27% from last quarter and 63% as compared to first quarter of FY2015. 
  I-526 Petitions Pending & Implications: By the Numbers 
  21,988: Currently there are 21,988 I-526 petitions pending with USCIS representing a 27% increase since last quarter. 
  112%: Back in Q1 of FY2015, there were 13,526 I-526 petitions pending with USCIS. This figures has ballooned by 112% in just one calendar year, setting back processing times.
  38 months: At the current adjudication rate of around 1,700 petitions  per quarter, it would take roughly 12.5 quarters or 38 months to adjudicate the current backlog of I-526 petitions. 
       42%: I-526 approvals decreased 42% from the last quarter of FY2015 and by over 24% in a year-over-year comparison with Q1 FY2015. The data suggests that while USCIS is facing unprecedented high volume of I-526 filings the volume of I-526 petitions adjudicated is falling precipitately.
       $11 Billion: The pending petitions with USCIS equate to roughly  $11 billion of capital investment waiting to be injected into the U.S. economy. 
       6+ Years: At the current rate of adjudication it is likely that an EB-5 investor from Mainland-China will have to wait over six years to receive a visa number. 

